Monday, June 25, 2012

24 JUNE hang out


24 JUNE merupakan satu tarikh yang amat bersejarah buat empunya blog. Why? Kenapa? Wondering la..haha..actually tarikh ni la empunya blog first tengok dunia,,thanks to my lovely mama cause lahirkan saya selamat ke dunia. Sihat plus comel lagi.( saje je nak perasan + time baby semua orang cute kan). Actually bukan nak cite pasal cute ke pasal baby tapi nak cita pasal activity during my birthday,,kira seronok gak la. First dapat outing dengan sahabat and my dear lovely donseng. Kalau outing nie aktiviti nya x lain x bukan ialah bergambar and makan2. Tambah2 lagi tuan belog ni dalam proses nak membesarkan badan sekarang,haha. Next cam biasa la take picture sampai penat pipi ni nak senyum. Dah tu cam2 pose la boleh disaksikan oleh pekerja MB.

P/S: pose biasa jer,,xder la mlampau..jangan disalahertikan

Malam tu plak donseng n kekawan kat hostel buat surprise. Siap ader coklat cake lagi.(my favourite), sedap,,thanks to all yang berkompromi nak buat surprise. It was the unforgettable moment for me. Thank you. Kamsahamida.

Walaubagaimanapun, birthday in hostel not the same moment that celebrated with my lovely family. Time birthday ni tiba2 homesick plak. Biasa la bila berjauhan dengan family tidak jauh daripada perasaan homesick. By the way thanks to all my family sebab a lot of best wish for my birthday.

By the way, thanks to all yang sudi celebrated birthday empunya belog..that’s all for this entry. Kamsahamida, saranghae 

Friday, June 22, 2012



Malam-malam macam ni teringin plak nak share quote pasal LIFE, tambah-tambah lagi sekarang ni tengah bersedih. Bak kata pepatah orang kat town HIDUP TIDAK SELALUNYA INDAH. So jum kita hayati quote ni,,,

By the way, tak perlu la nak ulas panjang-panjang pasal quote ni,,mudah jak kan,,ENJOY YOUR LIFE BECAUSE EVERYTHING HAPPEN IN LIFE PRESENT WITH CAUSE.
Have a nice life!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

feveret song 'falling slowly'


Today I would like to calm myself on ‘layan lagu feveret’. The song is Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Iglova. The song is especially dedicated for someone that I love. (I am wondering who he/she is).haha this song is extremely sad and my tear eagerly to fall when listen it. Just kidding.

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud

Enjoy it!!
p/s: please download the song on your own if you want to listen it. hehe.

special dedication

Sekadar perkongsian,,,,

Actually this post is dedicated untuk sahabat saya yang paling sempoi, cool, berjiwa natures gitu, loyal listener, willing to share and the most important part is ‘sweet’. ( identity sahabat dirahsiakan). Sorry also to ‘sahabat’ because tulis entry in melayu and English. If you don’t understand please text me later. Haha. By the way, thanks dear sebab jadi 'sahabat'. 

Based on life and experience, man is quite hard to understand. Even sahabat saya pun kurang memahami kaum lelaki.That way I try to explore, investigate and membongkar misteri mengenai makhluk yang bernama lelaki. So, saya telah menemui satu jalan penyelesaian untuk masalah ini iaitu reading. So I would like to share my reading with ‘sahabat’ and all readers.

p/s: sorry to all man in this world

Actually, I have read book, interesting book that talk about man. The title is ‘Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus’ yg ditulis oleh John Gray. Interesting nya buku ni disebabkan ia ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman penulis and this book is dedicated to his wife named Bonnie Gray. Sweet kan?

The main point yang I would like to share from the book is LELAKI UMPAMA GELANG GETAH. GELANG GETAH? RUBBER BAND? All the people know how rubber band look like, so itulah lelaki,,haha. Actually maksudnya, dalam sesuatu perhubungan especially marriage life, dalam suatu masa tertentu lelaki mungkin akan menjauhkan diri daripada kaum perempuan. sebagai contoh:

 1 week no sms, no phone call, no everything. Huhu,,agak tragis. So ada la kedengaran ayat cliché seperti berikut:

Don’t he miss me?
How dare he leave me alone!
Lastly, malas la nak fikir.

However, seperti gelang getah, kaum lelaki akan kembali semula tanpa dipinta. Metafora gelang getah ini sesuai digunakan untuk memahami kitaran keintiman lelaki. Kitaran ini dibahagikan kepada fasa intim, menjauhkan diri dan merapatkan diri kembali.

Apa yang perlu kaum perempuan lakukan? Semasa fasa menjauhkan diri, seorang perempuan haruslah memahami tindakan kaum lelaki dan tidak menyalahtafsirkan tindakan tersebut. kaum lelaki menjauhkan diri bukan sebab pilihan mereka tetapi hakikatnya memang begitu. Mungkin kaum lelaki memerlukan sedikit ruang untuk bersendirian. Pada masa ini juga maybe wanita can do everything that they like such as shoping, gardening, exercising or anything beneficial. Kaum perempuan juga tidak digalakkan untuk ‘mengejar’ kaum lelaki pada fasa menjauhkan diri.

Kesimpulannya, sometime we need to learn man from how they behave. Don’t misunderstanding setiap tindakan mereka sebab all action happen with cause. Tapi, don’t believe 100% with them sebab put some believe on us. Am I right? That all for this entry. To all kaum lelaki don’t take this serius. Ini sekadar perkongsian. To my dedicated friend hope it will be useful for you and enjoy read it.

Monday, June 11, 2012


I’m not a good girl…….
Why I say so?
Why I am thinking that way?
Why I labeled myself those words?
Am I not grateful with my creation? Absolutely no!!
Am I not meant to be a good girl?
Am I really bad girl? Huh

The answer is……
We always heard  ‘nobody perfect in this world’
That why I’m not a good girl but gone bad or to be bad or really bad,,,,LOL

Instead I wish to be a good girl with this special recipe known as  ‘good girl prata’..just joking LOL
So let’s found out the ‘ingredient’

1.   As Caliph Of Allah,,always pray to be a good girl.
2. As a daughter always seek a good advice from beloved family and respect them as there are our eldest
3. As a good friend to the to everyone surrounding me,,always remind each other in the journey go through a ‘stair’ to be a good girl
4. Love myself as I’m a complex human being that create by THE MOST GRACIOUS

How to prepare it? 

Mix all this mixture with hard work, patient and pray. After full tank of hard work and pray, leave it all to the MOST GRACIOUS and MERCIFUL because ALLAH knows us well. INSYALLAH.